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Start your wellness journey today!
Call Now: 614-898-9195
Q.How many treatments/ How long is it going to take for me to heal? |
A. Since we take an individualized approach to all patients, this really just depends. Typically, it can be anywhere from 4-8 weeks for lasing results. Once your treatment plan is complete, you shouldn't need to keep coming for adjustments regularly. |
Q.Will my insurance cover this? |
A.Each insurance plan is a little different but most of our patients do have chiropractic coverage. We’re happy to do a complimentary benefits check to see if your insurance is in or out of network and what your benefits are in our office. |
Q.Does Acupuncture hurt? heal? |
A.No! Most people can't even feel the needles. There might be some sensations such as light pressure, but no pain. |
Q.How big is are acupuncture needles? |
A.They are actually the size of a cat's whisker. They are much smaller than sewing and hypodermic needles. |
Q.How many sessions will I need to have to see results? |
A.This will really just depend on your specific needs. We will tailor a treatment program based on an in-depth analysis of your history and wellness goals. |
Q.Can I keep weight off? |
A.Yes you can keep the weight off! |
Q.How long will healing take? |
A.There are about 100 trillion cells that make up the human body. By the time you finish reading this sentence, 50 million of your cells will have died and been replaced. What you put in your body is replacing cells somewhere in your body. |
Q.How long will I have to eat like this? |
A.Focusing on making healthier choices to produce permanent change shifts our mindset on the way we come into relationship with food. |
Patient Testimonials
BETH(Lower Back Pain/ Sciatica)
Before seeing Dr Endel, I suffered from stabbing pain that would shoot down my leg. I tried Steroids, Anti-Inflammatory drugs and other pain medicine. The next step recommend by my doctor was going to be expensive Physical Therapy. One day, while I was explaining my symptoms, a coworker suggested I try going to Dr Endel as she also had a friend with the same symptoms and after only a couple months she was pain free. I was skeptical, but I thought “Why not”. After about a month of seeing him, my leg pain was gone, not better, gone! I was able to start playing sports again and got back to the gym, which I had stopped because of the pain it caused me before. He was very educational and always made me feel comfortable. I would highly recommend him to others!!

T.M.(Trigeminal Neuralgia)
I suffer from trigeminal neuralgia, which has been very painful. Before I started seeing Dr. Endel I sought help through my primary care physician. I was sent to a neurologist and a neurosurgeon. After many tests I was told I am not a good candidate for surgery and my best option was to go on a heavy doses of anti-seizure medication which many side effects. So I decided to try alternative medicine and was led to Dr. Endel after being invited to a talk given by Dr. Endel. Before seeing Dr. Endel my pain level was pretty consistently a 10 on a scale from 1-10. Since I have been getting adjustments the past several months my pain usually stays a 5 and fluctuates up to an 8. I consider this a great improvement and more hope than I received from my options.

L.D.(Sciatica relief with Spinal Decompression)
My sciatica was so bad I could not sleep at night. My lower legs ached and my feet were asleep every morning. I tried Spinal Decompression and it worked wonderfully. After 4 sessions, I could sleep without pain.

T.W.( Sciatica/ Decompression )
I’ve had four decompression treatments for pain near my tailbone. I’ve had pain on the right side for 2 years. The pain is gone! I’ve started decompression for neck issues and expect great results, too.

MCH(Fibromyalgia Relief with Cold Laser Therapy)
Prior to your treatment I had suffered for over 11 years with fibromyalgia. I have tried just about every treatment available to try and find relief including chiropractic and massages. I’ve been on so many different drugs and never found that miracle cure. I will admit I was skeptical. I was in severe pain and I was totally thrilled to get so much relief so quickly. My entire back, neck, hips, hands and toe haven’t felt this loose and pain free in years. It’s amazing to have such a simple treatment bring such immediate relief. Thank you so much for helping me gain back a normal life. I haven’t smiled this much in years. I will be forever grateful.” LC I have osteoarthritis in my joints after three treatments I have had remarkable relief. Thank you for improving my life.

KW(Low Back Pain and Cold Laser)
I could not believe the back pain relief I had after the laser therapy. I was in so much pain I found it hard to even walk. I had 3 treatments and I was able to spend time walking around without pain. I had not had a pain free day for over a year even while I was on painkillers.

D.H.(Purification Process)
Since beginning the Standard Process Cleanse, I’ve noticed big changes. My afternoon cravings for salty (carb) snacks have vanished. I’ve lost 15 lbs so far! I don’t feel hungry between meals or feel stuffed after a meal. So far the journey has been great, can’t wait to see where it takes me.

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