Red Light Body Contouring Treatment in Westerville
Struggling to Lose Weight? Find Out What’s Holding You Back in Just 2 Minutes!
This simple quiz will help you uncover whether your metabolism, hormones, or accountability strategy is keeping you stuck—AND how to fix it.
Although everyone's outcomes are going to be different, some of the most common results we see in as little as 6 weeks.
Struggling to Lose Weight? Find Out What’s Holding You Back in Just 2 Minutes!
This simple quiz will help you uncover whether your metabolism, hormones, or accountability strategy is keeping you stuck—AND how to fix it.
"It's been like, ever since I've had your help with all these different things, things I never felt normal about, I actually do now. I was having constant unprovoked anxiety attacks and now I'm not. I feel more close and intimate with my husband - and that means the world to me."
1. Laser Contouring Session
Industry leading and state-of-the-art technology attacks your stubborn areas! You will lose inches and feel amazing when you finally fit into those “skinny” jeans you’ve banished to the back of your closet!
2. Whole-Body Vibration Therapy Session
Whole-Body Vibration Therapy is your secret weapon for fighting cellulite, firming and tightening skin, increasing lean muscle mass, improving circulation, and regulating your HGH, serotonin, and cortisol hormones.
3. Whole-Body Composition Analysis
Ditch the scale. It is NOT your friend! Understanding your body composition is far more valuable than the pesky number taunting from your scale. Based on your results and your goals, we develop a personalized and easily executable plan for you to reach your optimal weight and improve your overall health.
4. Comprehensive Weight Loss Assessment
You are tired of fighting with your body to get to your ideal weight. We get it. Our proprietary weight loss assessment will instantly provide you with the information and tools you need to jumpstart your metabolism, increase lean muscle mass, and burn even the most stubborn fat!
5. Personalized Weight Loss Strategy Session
You deserve a weight loss strategy as unique as you! Our weight loss experts partner with you and develop a personalized plan. No cookie-cutter solutions here!
Struggling to Lose Weight? Find Out What’s Holding You Back in Just 2 Minutes!
This simple quiz will help you uncover whether your metabolism, hormones, or accountability strategy is keeping you stuck—AND how to fix it.
Does it hurt?
No, it's extremely relaxing and there is not down time. The only contraindications are active cancer and pregnancy.
Is it a one time treatment?
Our consultation takes about 90 minutes and includes one session - We use your results from the session to determine what program option will be best and match them with your goals. Programs range from 8- 24 visits, with 16 sessions being average.
When will I see results?
You begin to see tangible results right after a red light body contouring treatment session. Through your program, we'll be checking in with you on a weekly basis for measurements and guidance.